General | January 3, 2018

Extra-curricular clubs information

The clubs below will be running from Monday 8th January to Friday 9th February 2018 , All clubs are for Year 1 upwards, unless otherwise stated. 

You can sign up for clubs from Thursday 4th January in the playground from  08:45 to 09:00 and in the office from 15:45. Alternatively you can sign up online using SIMS Activities. Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis.  As agreed by the Academy Council, half of all places for each club will be reserved for online sign-ups.

Payment (exact cash only) must be made to the office to secure club places. 


  • Computing Club. £5 per half term.


  • Art Club. £5 per half term.
  • Cooking Club. £5 per half term.


  • Art Club. £5 per half term.


  • Cooking Club. £5 per half term.
  • Computing Club. £5 per half term


  • Film Club. £5 per half term.

General, School newsletters | December 20, 2017

Read our newsletter – Wednesday 20th December

Click here to read our latest newsletter.

Academy Council, General | December 11, 2017

Next Academy Council meeting

The next Academy Council Meeting will take place in the staff room on Friday 15th December 2017 at 9am.

If you would like to suggest an item for discussion, please write it down and return it to the Administration Office.

Everybody is welcome to attend. This is your chance as a parent/carer to have your say!

General, School newsletters | December 8, 2017

Read our newsletter – Friday 8th December

Click here to read our latest newsletter.

General | November 29, 2017

School Council letter

Please click to read School Council Letter

General, School newsletters | November 24, 2017

Read our newsletter – Friday 24th November

Click here to read our latest newsletter.

Academy Council, General | November 23, 2017

Academy Council election results

Following the recent election we are pleased to announce that the following five applicants have been elected to serve as Academy Council members for a 2 year term of office:

  • Husna Begum
  • Alesa Rahman
  • Amanda Fox
  • Nahar Begum
  • Emmanual Asare

The successful candidates will be meeting shortly to agree a date, time and agenda for the next AC meeting and to elect a new chair. All parents/carers will be advised of the outcome of this meeting shortly thereafter.

If there are any issues you would like added to the agenda please put in writing and hand it to the admin office.

The school would like to thank all parent/carers who put their names forward for election and everyone who took the trouble to vote.

General, School newsletters | November 13, 2017

Read our newsletter – Friday 10th November

Click here to read our latest newsletter.

General | November 1, 2017

Extra-curricular clubs information

The clubs below will be running from Monday 6th November 2017 to Friday 15th December , All clubs are for Year 1 upwards, unless otherwise stated. 

You can sign up for clubs from Thursday 2nd November in the playground from  08:45 to 09:00 and in the office from 15:45. Alternatively you can sign up online using SIMS Activities. Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis.  As agreed by the Academy Council, half of all places for each club will be reserved for online sign-ups.

Payment (exact cash only) must be made to the office to secure club places. 


  • Film Club. £5 per half term.
  • Judo Club. No charge. Year 2 upwards.


  • Art Club. £5 per half term.
  • Cooking Club. £5 per half term.


  • Art Club. £5 per half term.
  • Multisports Club. No charge. Year 2 upwards.


  • Cooking Club. £5 per half term.
  • Computing Club. £5 per half term


  • Computing Club. £5 per half term.

General, School newsletters | October 10, 2017

Read our newsletter – Friday 6th October 2017

Click here to read our latest newsletter.

Last updated October 12, 2017