The Culloden way of learning
General overview
- The timetable provides significant time for English, integrated with history, geography and religious education (RE) based on a topic cycle for the academic year
- The teaching of science is clustered into weeks which take place once per half term
- The teaching of Computing is embedded into the English curriculum where appropriate with an additional discrete fortnightly lesson
- The teaching for art and design and design and technology is clustered into ‘hands on weeks’ which take place once per half term
- Pupils have a daily opportunity to develop and consolidate key learning (basic skills)
- Pupils have one hour of philosophy for children (P4C) per week based on stimuli from the topic being followed
- Pupils have two hours of high quality physical education (PE) instruction, each week
- Pupils have a weekly x 20mins Foreign language session on French, covering speaking, listening, reading and writing
- Music is taught weekly through 30min singing lessons and is timetabled for 2 hours during ‘hands on’ and Science weeks
- Swimming is taught in Year 3 and Year 5.
Summary for science weeks
- Pupils are taught in maths sets (in their year group) for Science
- PE does not take place during science weeks (although swimmers still go swimming)
- P4C does not take place during science weeks
- Mental maths does not take place during science weeks
- Each maths set has two hours of music
Summary for hands on weeks
- P4C does not take place during hands on weeks
- Key learning does not take place during hands on weeks
- PE takes place as normal during hands on weeks
- Each class has two hours of music