The Culloden Nursery is a warm and welcoming setting that’s the ideal place to give your child the best possible start to their school career. It’s consistently rated Outstanding by Ofsted, and run by our friendly team who act as good role models and continually interact with the children.
Our Nursery is part of the main school building, and has four separate registration bases. Children are able to access the whole Nursery throughout the day, and enjoy free-flow access to our vast EYFS outdoor space. It’s a colourful and stimulating indoor environment that’s specially designed for children of this age; everything is on their level, from the toilets and sinks to the countertops and seating, and there are different areas for roleplay, art, music and much more.
Session times
We currently have two nursery classes during the week:
- One full time class which runs Monday to Friday, 9am – 3pm
- One part time class which runs Monday to Friday, 9am – 12pm (morning session) and 12.30pm – 3.30pm (afternoon session).
- Our 30 hour provision is Monday to Friday from 9am – 3pm
- Our 15 hour provision runs Monday to Friday at either 9am – 12pm or 12.30pm – 3.30pm
Beginning Nursery
We know that starting Nursery is a big step for the children – and parents! To make it as easy as possible for everyone we start with a home visit by two members of the Nursery team a few weeks before your child is due to join us. One person will interact with the child, using a selection of activities including storybooks, while the other member of staff will have an informal discussion with you.
We’ll ask about the child’s interests and strengths as well as any areas that they may require support. We will also discuss any medical needs, dietary requirements, previous childcare settings and any other information that gives a good all-round assessment of their child before they begin Nursery. All this will help us prepare and make sure we can do our best for your child.
This meeting is also a time when you can ask us any questions you have about the joining procedure, or anything else on your mind.
Settling in
When it comes to the first day at nursery, we have developed a timetable which we’ve designed to help children adapt quickly. On the very first day we always ask that parents stay with their child for the whole session then, depending on the individual child, we decide whether they can stay without parents the following day.
In the first week two or three children from each Nursery class will attend a morning or an afternoon session for the first week and leave after a couple of hours. The time they’re with us gradually increases throughout the second week and the children will have a practice lunch before leaving at 1pm. At the end of the second week they will stay for the whole day.
Over the course of the year our curriculum covers several topics, including ‘Marvellous Me’, ‘Celebrations’ and ‘Dinosaurs and Fossils’. We make learning as interactive as possible, through a mix of adult-led and independent activities, and we have a weekly music session with the Culloden music teacher who is a member of the organisation #Love2sing. We also go on educational visits in the local area and further afield to places such as the seaside, aquarium or zoo.
To apply for a nursery place you need to visit the Tower Hamlets school admission site which can be found here.
All children are entitled to up to 15 hours per week of free early years education for 38 weeks each year. To find out more about eligibility and to apply for your code, visit the government website.
What age do children begin at Culloden Primary Nursery?
Children start on or after their 3rd birthday and leave for Reception once they are approaching their 5th birthday.
Is there a uniform?
The boys can wear a white polo or long-sleeved shirt, navy, grey or black tracksuit bottoms or trousers and a navy-blue sweatshirt or cardigan over their shirt. The girls can also wear the above or, in place of trousers they can wear a navy, black or grey skirt. During the summer months, the girls can wear a pinafore dress. Footwear should be sensible, preferably trainers as the children will be climbing and running. No strappy shoes, sandals or flip-flops are allowed.
When it is raining we encourage you to pack a waterproof coat and wellington boots as we may go out from time to time in light rain or when it is still wet on the ground.
What food/drink is provided?
The children are served a hot school meal at lunchtime which includes a selection of side salads, fresh bread and a selection of desserts to choose from. The children also have the option to bring a healthy packed lunch to school, or go home for lunch and return in time for the start of their afternoon session. We also provide fresh fruit, milk and water throughout the day, and the children are free to help themselves to the fresh produce.
My child has a special need, what support will you provide for them?
Culloden Primary Academy is an inclusive school, which means that we feel that every child should be able to participate in every aspect of school life with a sense of belonging and a sense of being valued. Our support is tailored to each child’s individual needs so before your child begins at Culloden Nursery we will discuss their particular requirements with you and create a plan for them.
How can I be more involved?
We welcome and encourage parental engagement and offer workshops and opportunities to work alongside your child in the Nursery environment.
Our guide to preparing your child for nursery:
Toilet training
Ideally children will know how to wipe themselves properly and pull up their underwear, as well as flush the toilet and wash their hands afterwards, but obviously we always allow for (and expect) accidents. If your child does occasionally have mishaps then it’s a good idea to let their teacher know and pack spare underwear in their school bag.
Eating with a knife and fork
This is particularly important if your child will be having school lunches. We will have supervisors on hand to help, but they can’t help everyone at once. It also helps your child feel more confident if they’re able to cut up their own food.
Getting dressed
If your child can fasten and unfasted buttons, zips and Velcro, they’ll be able to go to the toilet without help and change for PE lessons.
Get into a routine
Help your child get into the habit of getting their uniform and school bag ready every evening. It’ll help the mornings feel less rushed.
Dry run
Before their first day at school, have a practice run of getting ready. It’ll prepare you both for the big day and might even generate some excitement.
Asking for what they need
It’s important your child has the confidence to communicate their needs, such as requesting to go to the toilet or asking another child if they can borrow something.
Sitting still
Children have to sit still and listen at school, and they’re far more likely to manage this if they’ve got used to doing it at home first. Getting them to do it as you read them a story is a fun way to practice.
Taking turns and sharing
Being able to take turns and share is essential. Help your child develop these skills by playing games with them that involve taking turns and encouraging your child to share their toys when they have play dates.
Dealing with losing
Some children find it hard to lose (as do some adults!) so it’s helpful if they’ve had this experience before starting school. Help them by playing games where they’re not always the winner, and encourage your child to congratulate others.
Please and thank you
Remind your child to use good manners with their teachers, friends and when they’re at home.