General, School newsletters | January 17, 2020

Read our newsletter – Friday 17th January


General | January 6, 2020

After School Clubs

The clubs below will be running from Monday 13th January 2020 . All clubs are for Year 1 upwards, unless otherwise stated. 

All clubs cost £5 per half term. Payment (exact cash only) must be made in advance to secure club places. 

Sign ups will take place from Wednesday 8th January 2020, 8.40am in the main hall.

MondayArt, Multi-Sports & Archery Club
TuesdayICT & Football Club
WednesdayArt, Football Club (Y3, Y4 & Y5 only), Dance/Zumba & After School Choir
ThursdayICT, Multi-Sports (Y4-Y6), Girls Football Club (Y4-Y6) & Dance Club (Y3-Y6)
FridayFilm, Badminton Club (Y4-Y6), Mix Football Club (Y5 – Y6 only), Code Club (Y3-Y6) & Glee Club (Y3-Y6)

Academy Council | December 20, 2019

Academy Council Meeting -January 2020


General, School newsletters | December 20, 2019

Read our newsletter – Friday 20th December


Academy Council, School newsletters | December 17, 2019

Academy Council Newsletter


General, Paradigm Trust News, School newsletters, Uncategorized | December 16, 2019

Paradigm Trust Values Awards

This week, Paradigm Trust celebrated pupils who have been awarded all three values awards and have become the first values champions in the Trust. Paradigm shares the same core values throughout all of its schools:

  • Integrity – doing the right thing even when no one is watching.
  • Excellence – enabling everyone to achieve more through education.
  • Community – working together; learning from, and supporting, others.

Each week, pupils are nominated for positive behaviours that link to a value and each half term winners are chosen to receive a values award. Once a pupil has received an award for all three values s/he receives a values award. This week, 12 pupils from Culloden Primary Academy were recognised for receiving all three values awards and becoming values champions. Here are a few examples:

  • Integrity – for always doing the right thing and being a role model for the rest of the class
  • Community – for being kind and helpful to all and offering to help out around the classroom
  • Excellence – for completing work to the highest standards and responding to feedback given.

Pupils were presented with a certificate and values champion badge by Bill Holledge, CEO, Paradigm Trust and enjoyed a festive afternoon tea with their families.

General, School newsletters | November 22, 2019

Read our newsletter – Friday 22nd November


General, School newsletters | November 21, 2019

Staff Training Development Conference – January 24th 2020


General, School newsletters | November 20, 2019

Polling Day – Thursday 12th December 2019


Academy Council, General | November 14, 2019

Academy Council election results

Following the recent election we are pleased to announce that the following five applicants have been elected to serve as Academy Council members for a 2 year term of office:

  • Husna Begum
  • Alesa Rahman
  • Asra Anjum
  • Monzo Ara Khatun
  • Sucheta Ashish

The successful candidates will be meeting shortly to agree a date, time and agenda for the next AC meeting and to elect a new chair. All parents/carers will be advised of the outcome of this meeting shortly thereafter.  

If there are any issues you would like added to the agenda please put in writing and hand it to the admin office.

The school would like to thank all parents/carers who put their names forward for election and everyone who took the trouble to vote. 

Last updated November 14, 2019