General | February 22, 2023

Strike Action – March

General | February 2, 2023

Keeping children safe online

General | February 2, 2023

MCAS Parents Guide

General | January 27, 2023

Strike action – Wednesday 1st February

Teaching | January 27, 2023

Maths Mastery Matters

When we teach maths we take what’s known as a mastery approach. This means pupils revisit the same core areas throughout their schooling, so they can achieve a level of knowledge which gives them greater capabilities in the subject.

It’s an approach which puts depth of knowledge ahead of breadth of knowledge. By teaching maths consistently, from EYFS through to KS4, as children move through the school they’re able to grasp the fundamentals and build on them, every time they revisit the topic. The way we teach is constantly tested, evaluated and modified to achieve the best results. This ensures our lessons are taught with evidence-based methods, and it also gives teachers the freedom to try new things.

Number cubes

At our school we have a ‘talk for learning’ ethos, which means we want a lot of conversation about maths in our lessons. A key technique we use to encourage this is the Agree, Build, Challenge (ABC) model. For ‘Agree’, we give students two answers and they have to say which they agree with, then explain their rationale to justify their answer. ‘Build’ requires the teacher to ask a student to build upon another student’s answer, elaborating or giving new information. ‘Challenge’ involves the teacher asking a student whether they would like to challenge each other’s answers and opinions in a positive and constructive way. This all leads to better discussion and thinking.

Having a strong foundation in maths gives a pupil a good advantage when they come to the more advanced topics at secondary school. From when they first join us, we build pupils’ mathematics vocabulary so they become confident in the use of maths terms such as coefficient, highest common factor and lowest common denominator. This helps pupils to have easier conversations around the subject and better success answering examination questions when they reach their GCSEs.

The most recent progress 8 score at Ipswich Academy, the Paradigm secondary school, was a strong +0.29 and Key Stage 3 attainment is above the national average. The number of students achieving between level 4 and level 9 at Key Stage 4 is also increasing. Across the five Paradigm Trust primaries, 71% of pupils are attaining level 4+ and 53.7% are working at 5+. These outcomes are solid proof that this approach is delivering great results for our pupils.  

School newsletters | January 20, 2023

Read our latest Newsletter – Friday 20th January 2023

General | January 6, 2023

School Nurse drop-in sessions

General | January 6, 2023

New clubs information

Sign ups will be online google form and a text message link will go out on Thursday 5th January 2023. 

Deadline for sign ups Tuesday 10th January 2023 at 10am.

All clubs will begin the week commencing the 16th January 2023.

MondayArt Club, Multi-Sports Club (Y1-Y3) & Football Club (Y4 & Y5)
TuesdayICT Club, Drama Club (Y1 & Y2), Multi-Sports Club (Y4-Y6) & Football Club (Y2 & Y3)
WednesdayCode Club (Y3-Y6), Ukulele Club (Y3-Y6) & Badminton Club (Y3 & Y4)
ThursdayICT Club
FridayArt Club, Dance Club (Y3-Y6), Badminton Club (Y5-Y6) & Football Club (Y6 only)

School newsletters | December 9, 2022

Read our latest Newsletter – Friday 9th December 2022

General | December 9, 2022

Scarlet Fever and Strep A Information

Last updated December 9, 2022